We Provide a Wide Range of Educational Content and Resources for Every Type of Business Owner
Step 1: Basics
Time in Business: Less than 6 months6 - 12 months1 - 3 years3+ years
Annual Revenue: Less than $100,000$100,000 - $399,999$400,000 - $749,999$750,000 - $999,999$1 million - $3 million$3 million - $5 millionMore than $5 million
Credit Score: 750+ (Highest)700 - 750 (High)660 - 700 (Mid-High)600 - 659 (Mid-Low)550 - 599 (Low)<550 (Lowest)
Total money my business could use: Less than $15,000$15,000 - $29,999$30,000 - $44,999$45,000 - $74,999$75,000 - $149,999$150,000 - $300,000More than $300,000